10 Jun 2017
devopsbookgene kimjez humbledevops processes
The DevOps Handbook is codification of DevOps mindset, practices and processes. Written as a follow-up to the other book, The Phoenix Project, it reinforces core concepts. Here are my favorite quotes from the book.
30 May 2017
When embarking on a devOps journey, getting a consistent development environment is the key. In this post, I show how to setup a virtual environment and install the correct libraries necessary for a project.
25 May 2017
Learn why Markdown is a good for taking notes during trainings and meetings and plugins for Sublime Text2+Markdown integration. It's very good for converting to blog posts with Github pages as well.
02 May 2017
Webpagetest is very good for monitoring website performance. By using Jenkins to run synthetic tests on WPT, it is possible to build a decent solution for automated performance monitoring and validating your performance budget.
17 Apr 2017
Wordpress.com gets a lot of attention about its bloat and slowness. While moving to Github pages, I ran a comparison and wanted to show the magnitude of difference across the 2 platforms.