20 Dec 2018
Understand the history API that powers Single Page Application (SPA) and learn how this is leveraged by real user monitoring solutions like mPulse for reporting performance of SPA pages .
11 Oct 2018
Jenkins jobs could contain some script output that is archived. Using python statistics, I show how you could extract and create summarized results.
16 Aug 2018
David Sanger's book, the Perfect Weapon raising some thorny issues on cyber warfare along with an great narration of some incredible hacks that went on from Stuxnet to the audacious DNC hacks.
01 Aug 2018
Web Performance landscape has evolved with focus on perceived performance, RAIL model, focus on mobile website speed and better tooling. The blog explains new metrics and relates them to measurement tools.
05 Jan 2018
Accelerate by Nicole Forgsen and Jez Humble is the book that explains the science behind the State of DevOps reports. It's an amazing read and I highly recommend it for anyone trying to start out or fine-tuning their DevOps journey.
01 Dec 2017
devopsleanagiletheory of constraintsITIL
DevOps is influenced by many ideas like Lean, ToC, Agile and ITIL. In this post, I point out the exact practices adopted from these methods.
15 Nov 2017
devopsconferencessan francisco
I was privileged to be sponsored by Akamai to attend the Enterprise DevOps Summit in San Francisco. Here are the notes from the sessions I attended.