Docker Commands

Written on December 6, 2016

I completed the course on Docker Quickstart at LinuxAcademy today. Over the course of I made notes on the important commands. Here’s my notes.

Installing docker

All commands as root on CentOs7

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
vim docker.repo

name=Docker Repository

yum install docker-engin

systemctl enable docker
systemctl start docker

usermod -a -G docker <username>
cat /etc/group | grep docker #should use the <username> as the group for the docker program

Docker commands

List images

docker images List running docker processes

docker ps List all processes that were ever run

docker ps -a List only the container ids

docker ps -a -q Running processes

docker run <image>
docker run -d <image> = run in disconnected / daemon mode
docker run --name="Some Name" = name the running instance
docker start <name> = will restart a closed / exited instance of the image
docker exec -it <name> <command> = run a command within a running container without changing the state of the running container
docker stop <name> = stop a running container by using the name

Cleaning up docker

docker rm containerid = removes an instance of the container that was run

docker rm `docker ps -a -q` = remove all stopped containers

docker rmi image-name = removes the docker image and its dependencies Redirect port

docker run -P = will redirect the container's port to a random port on the host machine's user port (port no 32,000+)

docker run -p 8080:80 = will redirect the container's port 80 to a port 8080 on the host machine's user port 

docker port <container-name> = will list the port mapping information Adding volume Using the "-v" option mounts the local file system. eg to mount for an nginx on centos

-v /home/user/www:/usr/share/nginx/html

Building a Docker file

docker login --username=<username>
Enter password
docker push username/repo

Hope you find this useful as well!